Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Shirodhara : Application of Constant Stream of Warm Oil to the Forehead. The warm oil feels like the caress of a warm and fragrant breeze that soothes away mental aches and pains.
The rhythm of the oil trickling onto the third eye, which is the seat of our cognitive vision, evokes deep cognitive memories. Through the arousal of these memories, bodily tissues are transformed and good health is restored.
Warm oil pours in a continuous stream over the forehead.-an area where nerves are highly concentrated.The pressure of the oil onto the forehead creates a vibration. 
Shirodhara is suitable for any dosha or constitution. Doshas are extremely aggravated because of hectic life style or stressful working environment, irregular diet, overuse of medication for long time period. Shirodhara is especially grounding for Vata types. 
Shirodhara relieves stress, worry and excessive thought.
Shirodhara naturally relaxes and rejuvenates the face and softens worry lines.
Shirodhara reduces excess vata dosha which is the primary dosha out of balance in PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Shirodhara deeply calming and balancing for vata and pitta dosha. Shirodhara can also awaken the third eye (ajna chakra), release old memories, and bring deep inner focus.
When out of balance, Vata dosha exhibits as fear, insecurity, worry, racing thoughts. Out of balance Pitta dosh exhibits as anger, irritability & frustration.
Vata Disorders: prickling pain in the head; loss of hair; loss of hearing; fatigue and mental exhaustion; grayish coating on the tongue; dryness of face and scalp; constipation. 
Pitta Disorders: burning sensation in head and body; ulcerated or inflammatory conditions of the head; pharyngitis; conjunctivitis; excess sweating; dimness of vision; blood disorders; hemorrhaging; jaundice; herpes; yellowish coating on the tongue; greenish or yellowish coloring of urine and feces. 
Kapha Disorders: excessive sleep; heaviness of body; indigestion; mucus; obesity; weak digestion; white coating on the tongue; white urine and feces; loss of appetite; repulsion for food; anorexia. 
The quality of warm herbal oil soothes, nourishes and pacifies the doshas through the application of the liquid to the forehead, scalp and nervous system.
Shirodhara increases immunity by relieving stress and worry, and balancing the mind-body types or doshas so that your constitution remains strong.
Generally i preferred to run the oil over 16 marma points on the forehead which encourages the flow of PRANA & clears PRANA VAHA SROTA (the energetic channels in the head).
Shirodhara cures insomnia, stress, depression, and memory loss. The procedure is also said to synchronize alpha brain waves.
The gentle pressure and soothing warmth of the oil allow the body, mind and nervous system to experience a deep state of rest, similar to meditation.
Shirodhara improves blood circulation to the brain, provides nourishments to hair and scalp, reduces nervous tension, and helps in sound sleep, improves the functioning of sense organs and central nervous system and improves your mood and fights depression- by generally releasing deeply trapped ama, or toxins. 
Shirodhara helps in management of insomnia, headache, anxiety neurosis, depression, schizophrenia, motor-neuron disease, hypertension, and several kinds of psychosis.
As the oil strokes the third eye, it has a balancing effect on the deepest recesses of the brain,stimulating the endocrine system, the pituitary and pineal glands (for hormonal upsets) and pleasure neurotransmitters (for depression or emotional insecurity). 
Shirodhara most effectively purifies the mental sheath, where patterns of behavior (vasanas) and emotional traumas can distract the mind from its’ role in supporting good health and spiritual growth. In this procedure the metabolic rate drops, and the brain waves become slow and coherent.
All your mental demons.... fear, anxiety, anger or irritability dissolve into an ocean of calm as your mind is lulled into a state of serenity and expanded consciousness. Shirodhara truly honours the body as a sacred temple and a vehicle for the divine spirit within.
Shirodhara is very effective therapy for various illness related to the Head, Neck, Nervous System, Vision,Hearing, Sleeping Problens, Mental Stress, Prevent Hair Loss, Eye diseases, Sinusitis, Allergicrhinitis, Greying of hair, Neurological disorders, Memory loss, Insomnia, Hearing impairment,Tinnitus, Vertigo, and certain types of skin diseases like psoriasis. 
Activating your pineal gland (seat of the soul- a spiritual antenna) and developing it further will allow you to exercise your 3rd eye (Ajna Chakra) and thus strengthen your psychic ability.The more you can do to activate your pineal gland, the more chance you have of reaching the desired end state of a fully functioning healthy pineal gland. This stimulation of the pineal gland causes a release of Pinoline (assists in improved nervous function), DMT (our spirit molecule that links body and soul) and other happiness causing neurochemicals. By stimulating the pineal gland, it improves the production of Melatonin. Serotonin, our happy brain chemical, is transformed into Melatonin in the pineal gland. Melatonin is responsible for the aging process, important for creating a youthful look, and also regulates our sleep wake cycle – assisting us to get a deeper more restful sleep.
So, while your eyes see the material world, Ajna chakra helps you look into deeper realms: intuition, clairvoyance, imagination, creativity and visualization.
There are tons of ways to deepen our connection to the third eye chakra, but I had found SHIRODHARA good old ancient practice to be most effective. 
Promotes fertility by stimulating the pituitary gland where sexual and reproductive hormones are activated.
Therapeutic oiling of the scalp and head has long been used in Ayurveda to encourage hair growth and to prevent greying. Gently massaging the head stimulates the hair follicles and allows the deeply nourishing herbs and oils to penetrate the scalp, strengthening and thickening the hair at its roots.
Shirodhara for women's reproductive cycle : Now that we know all this, it is no wonder that Ayurveda treats infertility and so many hormonal imbalances focusing on the head with shirodhara therapy.
Shirodhara also helps for PCOD in women.
Sometimes milk and buttermilk processed with herbs also are used in this treatment depending upon the patient's condition.
Shirodhara is the best antidote in the world for a busy life and strung out nervous system.
Shirodhara has been shown to be effective in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children, hypertension, meno-pause, cerebral ataxia, general anxiety disorder, chronic headache, and insomnia.
Take control of your thoughts, actions and on your life. Get the state of indifference and do something for you.Shirodhara will help you discover yourself, to accept yourself, to love yourself and evolve.
At last ...
The goal is to have this pure experience of consciousness in every cell of the body – moving pure consciousness from the bliss sheath (anandamaya kosha) to the physical sheath (annamaya kosha). When this happens, the chakras and nadis can carry the kundalini Shakti up the spine to its’ goal-the bindu point on the top of the chakra system. Shirodhara works mainly in the manomaya kosha, or the mental sheath. If the mental sheath is not balanced, then the pull of the old vasanas and samskaras will distract the mind in the discernment sheath from being able to choose wisely in the direction of spirituality. These impressions are held captive in the limbic system or the emotional cortex of the brain. With an unpurified mental sheath, choices will be in the direction of supporting the status quo set up by the old, deep-seated patterns of behavior. Once the mental sheath is cleared, the individual mind can choose, without distraction, to move into the bliss sheath or anandamaya kosha. The procedure of Shirodhara brings the Sanjnavaha Srotas in peaceful state of rest which helps in inducing sleep. The process of Shirodhara also produces a meditation effect which helps to overcome the complaint of insomnia. The method Shirodhara produces almost similar effects as that of Yoganidra technique in yogic science. 
As oil is poured on the forehead, the nervous system is deeply stilled. The brain waves slow down and become coherent. Once the brain is quieted, the pranavaha and manovaha srotas begin to transport prana, oxygen, and other necessary nutrients to the brain. When the brain is quieted and the srotas are activated, the cerebral circulation is greatly improved, and access to these mood stabilizing receptors is enhanced.
Shirodhara may be the oldest but the most skillful healing technique that manipulates cerebral circulation, cerebral function, and the state of consciousness. It may provide a new tool and new knowledge for modern brain research into consciousness. Furthermore, it may open new paradigms for exploring what we refer to as spiritual biotechnology. 
One who applies oil on his head regularly helps in headache, baldness, graying of hair, nor does his hair fall. Strength of his head and forehead is especially enhanced; his hair becomes black, long and deep-rooted; his sense organs work properly; the skin of his face becomes brightened; applying oil on the head produces sound sleep and happiness.
Ayurveda’s main aim is to enhance and preserve the wisdom of every cell throughout our journey in life. Shirodhara truly honors the body as a sacred temple and a vehicle for the divine spirit within, allowing us to honor our life light.
When you consider that anti-depressant drugs are prescribed to raise the serotonin levels to induce a sense of happiness and wellbeing, it is not difficult to understand why ayurveda considers shirodhara to be the natural answer to depression. During shirodhara, the soft fall of the warm liquid over the forehead massages the pituitary and pineal glands which rebalances the endocrine and nervous systems. It also opens up and cleanses the brow and crown chakras and gently carries you into a high state of meditative contemplation.....
stimulating the endocrine system, activating and balancing the pituitary and pineal glands (for hormonal upsets) -simulating pleasure neurotransmitters (for depression, mood swings, emotional insecurities and addictions of various kinds) -helps many diseases connected with the head, neck, eyes, ears, nose and throat -helps various disease of the nervous system -improves digestion and the health of the skin and hair -rejuvenates face by removing worry lines -clears inertia and negativity, grounding a person and giving positive feelings -brings spiritual awakening and increased intuition.
With clearing the chakras - Shirodhara aims to clear and rebalance the two head chakras - the brow chakra and the crown chakra - and their corresponding physical counterparts, the pituitary and pineal glands.
Chakras are wheels of energy that act as gateways between the spiritual and physical realms. They are meeting places of the mind, body and soul and as such correspond in the body to physical organs, nerve centres, glands and plexuses. The seven chakras are situated along the spine starting from its base with the root chakra, moving on to the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat and brow chakras and culminating at the top of the head with the crown chakra. When they become blocked or unbalanced the free flow of prana, the non-physical life energy that is responsible for our ‘aliveness’, is hindered. This, in turn, affects bodily functions and thought processes and may lead to ill health. For instance, negative thoughts, anxiety and fear may develop and lead to depression.
Spiritual level - Shirodhara is a unique therapy in that it not only works on the physical body but also on the spiritual body, the subtle network of energy centres called chakras and the transient energy channels that connect them.
The warm flow of shirodhara stimulates the crown chakra and gently opens up the thousand petalled lotus nestled into the dark pools of our minds. Physical realm On the physical plane, the brow and crown chakras are part of what modern medicine calls the endocrine system, a network of glands, which secrete hormones that regulate the body. The brow chakra is linked to the pituitary gland and the crown chakra corresponds to the pituitary and pineal glands. The pituitary gland is the size of a small pea nestled in the base of our brain. Often coined as the master gland, the pituitary gland is considered to be the most important component of the endocrine system. It regulates metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, blood pressure and produces endorphins that act as pain relief. Its function can be influenced by our emotions and seasonal changes.
Some Marma (Vital spot) are located in forehead and head region as mentioned in Ayurveda classics. Mainly Sthapni, Utshepa, Avarta, Shankha and Apanga Marma are situated in this region. 
(Between both eyebrows) is the site of Chitta (Mana). It is also place of Sthapni Marma. The site of Sthapni Marma and the site of pituitary and pineal gland exist at the same level. The function of pituitary gland is controlled by hormones. It is the master of the gland. It has the capacity to maintain all the endocrine system of human body. Mental stress and irritability were the causative factors were endocrine system gets imbalance of its normal function. Due to the stimulation of Sthapni Marma and indirect stimulation of pituitary gland brings changes in psycho-somatic level. Hence Shirodhara therapy helps in reliving the mental stress by regulating the normal function of this gland.
Different oils are used depending on the conditions being treated.
Shirodhara is an exceptional therapy not to be missed. It is a unique, mind-opening and exquisite relaxation experience that will leave you sparkling with contentment.
Call 9773170560/98254633394
A typical Shirodhara session would last 30 to 60 minutes and is done for 3, 7, 14, or 28 days. The duration of a session may vary. The duration and the number of days depends on the patient's age, constitution, and dosha status and the severity of the disease.
Many years have passed since that day and I have given since countless shirodhara therapies and each time I still have that starry eyed amazement when I see the transformation in my patients. Before receiving shirodhara, my patients are typically agitated, stressed, anxious and incapable of sitting still. Sometimes, they are depressed. They are tired and suffering from broken sleep or insomnia. During their first session they usually fall in a deep meditative sleep and wake up feeling like they had a proper night’s sleep, refreshed and calm. And, as other sessions follow, I see the face of my patients changing from tensed, pale and tired to relaxed and gleaming with tranquillity and vitality. 
Make an appointment now for an in depth consultation and personal plan to restore you to vibrant health and happiness. Give the gift of peace and health to yourself..
Ayurveda Health & Happiness is here to help you find and maintain health, prevent and remove disease. Consultations, treatments, counselling and dietary advice based on the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda are offered. It is pro-active in disease prevention as well as being highly effective in restoring health.
I’ve seen many patients improve their resilience to stress & low immunity, get better sleep, lower their anxiety, come out of depression, and eliminate stiffness & pain – all from simple warm oil Ayurveda practices.
During your consultation we talk about hormones, menopause, burnout, and gracefully translates how to apply the techniques of Ayurveda, drawing from my 30+ years of professional practice in Ayurveda.

Monday, May 13, 2019


Stress Management through Shirodhara..
Book your SHIRODHARA :

Call : +919825463394/+919773170560

Shirodhara is suitable for patients suffering from Shiroroga, metabolic disorders, and the different kinds of mental diseases.
Shirodhara has been shown to be effective in attention deficit/hyperactively disorder in children, hypertension, menopause, cerebral ataxia, general anxiety disorder, headache, and insomnia.
It has long been conducted to combat insomnia, headache, anxiety neurosis, depression, schizophrenia, motor-neuron disease, hypertension, and several kinds of psychosis.
In yogic sciences there are a number of procedures explained for relaxation of body and mind. By these procedures like meditation and relaxation the mind comes down to a tranquil state, it reduces stress, helps in normal and better function of mind. All the benefits of meditation and relaxation are achieved by the procedure of Shirodhara. 
Shirodhara purifies the mind, alleviates anxiety, reduces headaches, and expands awareness. Shirodhara is one of the most powerful treatments to relieve Vata (wind) in the mind.
Shirodhara is the specific treatment for stress, creating nervousness, anxiety, depression, insomnia, fatigue, psychological disorders, and any other disorder that is stress related..The rhythm of the oil trickling onto the third eye, which is the seat of our cognitive vision, evokes deep cognitive memories.
Shirodhara soothes and invigorate the senses as well as the mind. A total state of wellness is induced in the process.It has a beneficial effect on all the sensory organs and to make the patient quiet and calm. It may stimulate the olfactory nerves, and impulses may be transmitted to the hypothalamus to soothe the mood and alter the autonomic nervous balance. This procedure synchronizes brain waves and profoundly coordinates and calms the mind, body, and spirit
Vata Disorders: prickling pain in the head; loss of hair; loss of hearing; fatigue and mental exhaustion; grayish coating on the tongue; dryness of face and scalp; constipation. 
Pitta Disorders: burning sensation in head and body; ulcerated or inflammatory conditions of the head; pharyngitis; conjunctivitis; excess sweating; dimness of vision; blood disorders; hemorrhaging; jaundice; herpes; yellowish coating on the tongue; greenish or yellowish coloring of urine and feces. 
Kapha Disorders: excessive sleep; heaviness of body; indigestion; mucus; obesity; weak digestion; white coating on the tongue; white urine and feces; loss of appetite; repulsion for food; anorexia. 
In addition to relieving the disorders listed above, this treatment has the added effect of awakening the third eye, invigorating the boy and mind, and stimulating cognitive memories.
As the oil strokes the third eye, it has a balancing effect on the deepest recesses of the brain,stimulating the endocrine system, the pituitary and pineal glands (for hormonal upsets) and pleasure neurotransmitters (for depression or emotional insecurity). The procedure is also said to synchronise alpha brain waves, enhancing blood circulation to the brain, improving mental clarity and generally releasing deeply trapped ama, or toxins. Deep relaxation of the nervous system, improved functioning of the 5 senses, relief from mental and physical stress and strain, improved vitality and balance, increased blood circulation around the body and to the brain, boosts memory, nourishes hair and the scalp and assists in providing sound sleep.
All your mental demons.... fear, anxiety, anger or irritability dissolve into an ocean of calm as your mind is lulled into a state of serenity and expanded consciousness. Shirodhara truly honours the body as a sacred temple and a vehicle for the divine spirit within.
Proven strategies for awakening the third eye. Also Shirodhara helps to remove all the built up harmful elements from the body. Massaging done in shirodhara generates energy through the body. It helps the nutrients flow freely to the brain of a person and facilitates one to heal from within.
Shirodhara is very effective therapy for various illness related to the Head, Neck, Nervous System, Vision,Hearing, Sleeping Problens, Mental Stress, Prevent Hair Loss, Eye diseases, Sinusitis, Allergicrhinitis, Greying of hair, Neurological disorders, Memory loss, Insomnia, Hearing impairment,Tinnitus, Vertigo, and certain types of skin diseases like psoriasis. 
it's like having a deep and penetrating massage on the mind.It takes you to deep relaxation and in to a balanced state of rest in mind and body. Shirodhara is a great rejuvenating therapy that gives a healthy face and body glow. Shirodhara helps to heal the body at the root level of disease, by calming imbalances in our mind and disturbances in our emotions it leaves you feeling in a heavenly state for the rest of your day.
Strengthen your Psychic ability/Psychic awareness with the help of Shirodhara.
Activating your pineal gland and developing it further will allow you to exercise your 3rd eye and thus strengthen your psychic ability.The more you can do to activate your pineal gland, the more chance you have of reaching the desired end state of a fully functioning healthy pineal gland.
The Pineal Gland is regarded as one of the most important parts of your nervous system..... it is essentially a spiritual antenna, the mystical third eye (Ajna Chakra) that ancient traditions have been talking about. For many eons, the third eye has been seen as a way to reach higher levels of consciousness while still being present in a physical body.
This concept of the pineal gland being the “seat of the soul” or the “spiritual gateway to all realms and all dimensions” is important to realising its full function. Before you can reach this spiritual gateway, you must start the practise of both detoxifying your pineal gland and activating your pineal gland....There re numerous way to detoxifying it and among all one of the best is SHIRODHARA.........
We live in a world surrounded by mobile phones, texts and social media. We’re always plugged in...
Now it's time to relax with Shirodhara...
Shirodhara is complete surrender, calm and peace, allowing the nervous system to heal itself.
Shirodhara is a unique body therapy from the ancient Ayurvedic system of natural medicine which has a profound effect on the nervous system. It instantly calms and relaxes and has a cleansing effect on the mind and nerves, aiding clarity of thought and concentration when you come out of the treatment." As the treatment draws to a close, the aim is for the patient to feel completely relaxed in body and mind.
“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear” - Buddha..
Different oils are used depending on the conditions being treated.

Friday, May 10, 2019


Ayurvedic Tool for Natural Self-Nurturing
In yogic sciences there are a number of procedures explained for relaxation of body and mind. By these procedures like meditation and relaxation the mind comes down to a tranquil state, it reduces stress, helps in normal and better function of mind. All the benefits of meditation and relaxation are achieved by the procedure of Shirodhara.
An ancient technique, Shirodhara is meant to be maintained at a certain rhythmic speed while awakening the third eye. The rhythm of the oil trickling onto the third eye, which is the seat of our cognitive vision, evokes deep cognitive memories. 
This ancient ayurvedic therapy has a profound impact on the nervous system, purifying, relaxing and calming directly and immediately the mind and nerves.
Your dosha will be analyzed to determine the correct oils to use for the Shirodhara – third eye opening and total relaxation treatment. Our Shirodhara treatment is offered in a package with other treatments also – to gain maximum benefits and performed in conjunction with the Abhyanga treatment – an ancient rite of beauty an well being practiced for thousands of years. You will start your treatments with a meditation- the oils will be poured on your forehead in a continuous stream for about 30-45 minutes. You will feel the effects of this treatment after the third session – it is an amazing treatment that works on many levels.
The pressure of the oil on the forehead generates a slight vibration, calming the body and the mind, generating a state of deep rest, similar to the effects of meditation. Medicated oil gently penetrates the skin through the forehead and scalp, reaching the nervous system and leaving a deep nourishing sensation that lasts days.
The herbal oils also nourish the hair and scalp. All your mental demons – fear, anxiety, anger or irritability – dissolve into an ocean of calm as your mind is lulled into a state of serenity and expanded consciousness.
The Shirodhara Integral Package also includes:
Yoganidra (Deep relaxation techniques)
Promotes balance and relief from stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia through the natural release of serotonin, dopamine and melanin
Decreases fatigue, leaving us calmer and more revitalised.
Acts directly on the brain, generating greater focus, concentration, mental clarity.
Pacify the Vata Dosha, reducing restlessness, irritability, nervousness, fear and agitation of the mind.A person suffers from feelings of fear, insecurity and worry when his Vata is out of balance.
It relaxes and stabilizes the nervous system, balancing Prana Vayu (vital energy) around the skull.
Reduces and relieves migraines and headaches.
Decreases hair loss and truly nourishes hair and scalp.
It produces a state of deep relaxation, harmonizing mind, body and consciousness.
Generates a release of mental patterns and negative emotions.
Improves nighttime sleep and helps in the treatment of sleep imbalances.
Rejuvenates relaxes all the muscles of the face, soothing wrinkles and expression marks.
It is effective in treating various diseases and imbalances of the eyes and ears, sinusitis, rhinitis, neurological disorders, memory loss, vertigo and tinnitus, certain types of psoriasis, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Jet Lag.
It purifies, rejuvenates and invigorates mind and body, increasing our immunity
Revitalizes the skin, leaving it with a natural and healthy glow.
Strengthens hair follicles to prevent hair loss and premature white hair.
It activates the pituitary and pineal glands, as well as the hypothalamus, which organizes and regulates all the hormones in the body.
Promotes fertility by stimulating the pituitary gland where sexual and reproductive hormones are activated.
Helps in the production of endorphin, the wellness hormone.
Schedule your Shirodhara Session..
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Make an appointment now for an in depth consultation and personal plan to restore you to vibrant health and happiness. Give the gift of peace and health to yourself..
Ayurveda Health & Happiness is here to help you find and maintain health, prevent and remove disease. Consultations, treatments, counselling and dietary advice based on the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda are offered. It is pro-active in disease prevention as well as being highly effective in restoring health.
Whether you wish to unwind, relieve stress, or address health concerns you can do it all in a warm, safe, and comfortable place. You will leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and well on your way to achieving your foundation for better health, wellness, and body maintenance. 
Ayurveda often emphasizes healing from the inside out. But the Ayurvedic tradition is also rich with beauty rituals and other self-nurturing practices that focus more on the exterior of the body..
Therapeutic oiling of the scalp and head has long been used in Ayurveda to encourage hair growth and to prevent greying. Gently massaging the head stimulates the hair follicles and allows the deeply nourishing herbs and oils to penetrate the scalp, strengthening and thickening the hair at its roots. But as many of us are well aware, the head is also an important access point for a number of subtle energy channels that travel throughout the body. As a result, massaging the scalp and head can also help to relieve tension, soothe the nervous system, awaken the sense organs, and encourage sound sleep. What’s more, oiling the hair is a very natural way to nourish, moisturize, and strengthen the hair without having to worry about mysterious product ingredients.

Monday, January 21, 2019


Shirodhara For Women’s Reproductive Cycle
An Ayurvedic Approach to a Healthy Cycle
Manage Doshic Differences in Menstruation With Shirodhara. 
There are different stages throughout the month that relate to a woman’s natural shift in hormones, known as rutukala, rutavateta kala, and rajahkala
The way in which each woman may experience the menstrual cycle is dependent upon the doshic constitution she is overtly displaying at the time.
Vata Menstrual Flow
Pitta Menstrual Flow
Kapha Menstrual Flow
The menstrual cycle is effectively a monthly cleanse and is treated as such in the Ayurvedic tradition. Our goal, then, is to support the process of cleansing. As with any other cleanse, importance is placed on rest and rejuvenation and kindling agni. For this reason, for centuries, women in India have been given the opportunity to be relieved from their daily duties and go in seclusion so that their body may fully cleanse both on the physical and mental level. The menstrual cycle is a gift that is unique to the female gender.
So many women suffer from menstrual imbalances, leaning on a limited number of tools. And given that it is such a huge part of our life, coming monthly, it can be frustrating, burdensome, and even debilitating. Not only does Ayurveda provide alternative solutions that really work at the root level, but it also gives the opportunity to reshift our chemistry before more difficult conditions arise by being able to use our menstrual cycle as barometer of what lies within us. Ayurveda also blesses us with the outlook that this is ultimately a cleanse. And by viewing it as such, we can work with our body towards greater health, instead of running against its natural work.
We hope that we have equipped you with a few more tools like Shirodhara to help you on your way towards balance and health. The female body is truly unique and beautiful. Use it towards great health as a roadmap, paying attention to all of the signs and subtlest shifts. You will learn more about yourself that goes beyond just the physical.
Menstruation not only cleanses and reset’s a woman’s reproductive tract, but provides insight to her overall health, and should be honored. By staying in sync, we are able to fine tune any imbalances to allow for a smoother flow. Following and understanding an importance in overall diet, stress level and relaxation will ultimately result in a greater menstruation experience.
Shirodhara also helps for PCOD in women.
A Smoother Cycle with Ayurveda....
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Shirodhara : A deeply effective therapy in the treatment of stress, anxiety, nervousness and insomnia. It is also beneficial for depression, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, migraines and chronic headaches.
You will feel super, super relaxed. If you’ve been pushing yourself too much, this treatment will definitely bring your nervous system to a screaming halt.
Having a shirodhara is like being gently lulled into a deep meditative state.
Shirodhara transports you to another place... a place deep inside where you feel calm, quiet, peaceful and sane. It is the best antidote in the world for a busy life and strung out nervous system!!”
Panchakarma & Shirodhara For Infertility in Women
The most easily disturbed Dosha is the Vata which causes functional defects in the egg, difficulties with implantation and is often responsible for infertility. An excessive bout of exercise, fear, anxiety or stress due to trauma, excessive fasting as is the case in eating disorders or diet including cold, light and dry substances can cause imbalance of Vata. However, infertility rarely involves only one Dosha. People with Pitta nature may experience infertility resulting in scarring of the fallopian tube, inhibiting the ascent of the sperm or descent of the ovum. Excess heat may also be responsible for depletion of Shukra Dhatu . On the other hand, Kapha people because of the dominant water element in their constitution that supports Shukra Dhatu experience the healthiest and the strongest reproductive system. Infertility in those with Kapha is initiated by a cold, heavy and oily diet along with a sedentary lifestyle. When Kapha Dosha is predominant, fallopian tubes may thicken; uterine fibroids may develop, and often involves Pitta and Vata displacement. Scar tissue is due to Pitta pushing Kapha.
Ayurveda supports health by strengthening body‟s own self-healing and balancing mechanisms” and doesn‟t rely on intervention by any outside or foreign substance to replace or correct the hormones in the body It focuses on the treatment of infertility holistically with an aim of improving the overall health and quality of life of the individual. According to the Charaka Samhita, “the single most important factor in the buildup of Ama (toxin created when undigested food forms in the stomach) is the Agni and all the disease occurs due to imbalance in Agni (the power of digestion). Therefore, the treatment of Ama must always include the treatment of Agni, including the use of digestive herbs and spices, eating meals timely following a proper schedule and elimination of cold foods and drinks”. Panchakarma (Ayurvedic deep internal cleansing procedure), can also be utilized to eliminate Ama. Healthy Agni will also contribute to healthy Ojas. Evaluation of person‟s Dosha is very significant for prescribing the treatment and any blockages and weaknesses in body parts for which the treatment includes appropriate diet, body therapies, herbs, sensory therapies, and lifestyle and yoga therapies


Shirodhara : Proven strategies for awakening the third eye : An exercise for your 3rd eye chakra : 
Third Eye Drip: Shirodhara to Calm Body and Mind 
Book your SHIRODHARA :
Call : +919825463394/+919773170560
SHIRODHARA : The Temple Of Your Third Eye : Opening the Third Eye: Powerful Ancient Practices for Activating the Pineal Gland and Expanding Consciousness. 
Third Eye Drip : Shirodhara to Calm Your Body and Mind : "Shirodhara can be the most relaxing, beautiful thing for insomnia OR anything that involves the brain and nervous system,
Balancing and activating the pineal gland is a foundational practice for expanding consciousness and restoring the health and vibrancy of the physical body.
Ever wondered how to open your third eye, home to your “sixth sense?” Your intuition and higher wisdom come alive when this energy center is fully open and balanced. Unfortunately, for most of us, developing our third eye chakra and its abilities is challenging at best, and may even sometimes seem out of reach. 
But Shirodhara Treatment of Ayurveda helps to simulate the third eye chakra.
As the oil strokes the third eye, it has a balancing effect on the deepest recesses of the brain,stimulating the endocrine system, the pituitary and pineal glands (for hormonal upsets) and pleasure neurotransmitters (for depression or emotional insecurity). The procedure is also said to synchronise alpha brain waves, enhancing blood circulation to the brain, improving mental clarity and generally releasing deeply trapped ama, or toxins. Deep relaxation of the nervous system, improved functioning of the 5 senses, relief from mental and physical stress and strain, improved vitality and balance, increased blood circulation around the body and to the brain, boosts memory, nourishes hair and the scalp and assists in providing sound sleep.
All your mental demons.... fear, anxiety, anger or irritability dissolve into an ocean of calm as your mind is lulled into a state of serenity and expanded consciousness. Shirodhara truly honours the body as a sacred temple and a vehicle for the divine spirit within.
Proven strategies for awakening the third eye. Also Shirodhara helps to remove all the built up harmful elements from the body. Massaging done in shirodhara generates energy through the body. It helps the nutrients flow freely to the brain of a person and facilitates one to heal from within.
Shirodhara is very effective therapy for various illness related to the Head, Neck, Nervous System, Vision,Hearing, Sleeping Problens, Mental Stress, Prevent Hair Loss, Eye diseases, Sinusitis, Allergicrhinitis, Greying of hair, Neurological disorders, Memory loss, Insomnia, Hearing impairment,Tinnitus, Vertigo, and certain types of skin diseases like psoriasis. 
it's like having a deep and penetrating massage on the mind.It takes you to deep relaxation and in to a balanced state of rest in mind and body. Shirodhara is a great rejuvenating therapy that gives a healthy face and body glow. Shirodhara helps to heal the body at the root level of disease, by calming imbalances in our mind and disturbances in our emotions it leaves you feeling in a heavenly state for the rest of your day.
Strengthen your Psychic ability/Psychic awareness with the help of Shirodhara.
Activating your pineal gland and developing it further will allow you to exercise your 3rd eye and thus strengthen your psychic ability.The more you can do to activate your pineal gland, the more chance you have of reaching the desired end state of a fully functioning healthy pineal gland.
The Pineal Gland is regarded as one of the most important parts of your nervous system..... it is essentially a spiritual antenna, the mystical third eye (Ajna Chakra) that ancient traditions have been talking about. For many eons, the third eye has been seen as a way to reach higher levels of consciousness while still being present in a physical body.
This concept of the pineal gland being the “seat of the soul” or the “spiritual gateway to all realms and all dimensions” is important to realising its full function. Before you can reach this spiritual gateway, you must start the practise of both detoxifying your pineal gland and activating your pineal gland....There re numerous way to detoxifying it and among all one of the best is SHIRODHARA.........
We live in a world surrounded by mobile phones, texts and social media. We’re always plugged in...
Now it's time to relax with Shirodhara...
Shirodhara is complete surrender, calm and peace, allowing the nervous system to heal itself.
Shirodhara is a unique body therapy from the ancient Ayurvedic system of natural medicine which has a profound effect on the nervous system. It instantly calms and relaxes and has a cleansing effect on the mind and nerves, aiding clarity of thought and concentration when you come out of the treatment." As the treatment draws to a close, the aim is for the patient to feel completely relaxed in body and mind.
“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear” - Buddha


This ancient ayurvedic therapy has a profound impact on the nervous system, purifying, relaxing and calming directly and immediately the mind and nerves.
Your dosha will be analyzed to determine the correct oils to use for the Shirodhara – third eye opening and total relaxation treatment. Our Shirodhara treatment is offered in a package with other treatments also – to gain maximum benefits and performed in conjunction with the Abhyanga treatment – an ancient rite of beauty an well being practiced for thousands of years. You will start your treatments with a meditation- the oils will be poured on your forehead in a continuous stream for about 30-45 minutes. You will feel the effects of this treatment after the third session – it is an amazing treatment that works on many levels.
The pressure of the oil on the forehead generates a slight vibration, calming the body and the mind, generating a state of deep rest, similar to the effects of meditation. Medicated oil gently penetrates the skin through the forehead and scalp, reaching the nervous system and leaving a deep nourishing sensation that lasts days.
The herbal oils also nourish the hair and scalp. All your mental demons – fear, anxiety, anger or irritability – dissolve into an ocean of calm as your mind is lulled into a state of serenity and expanded consciousness.
The Shirodhara Integral Package also includes:
Yoganidra (Deep relaxation techniques)
Promotes balance and relief from stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia through the natural release of serotonin, dopamine and melanin
Decreases fatigue, leaving us calmer and more revitalised.
Acts directly on the brain, generating greater focus, concentration, mental clarity.
Pacify the Vata Dosha, reducing restlessness, irritability, nervousness, fear and agitation of the mind.A person suffers from feelings of fear, insecurity and worry when his Vata is out of balance.
It relaxes and stabilizes the nervous system, balancing Prana Vayu (vital energy) around the skull.
Reduces and relieves migraines and headaches.
Decreases hair loss and truly nourishes hair and scalp.
It produces a state of deep relaxation, harmonizing mind, body and consciousness.
Generates a release of mental patterns and negative emotions.
Improves nighttime sleep and helps in the treatment of sleep imbalances.
Rejuvenates relaxes all the muscles of the face, soothing wrinkles and expression marks.
It is effective in treating various diseases and imbalances of the eyes and ears, sinusitis, rhinitis, neurological disorders, memory loss, vertigo and tinnitus, certain types of psoriasis, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Jet Lag.
It purifies, rejuvenates and invigorates mind and body, increasing our immunity
Revitalizes the skin, leaving it with a natural and healthy glow.
Strengthens hair follicles to prevent hair loss and premature white hair.
It activates the pituitary and pineal glands, as well as the hypothalamus, which organizes and regulates all the hormones in the body.
Promotes fertility by stimulating the pituitary gland where sexual and reproductive hormones are activated.
Helps in the production of endorphin, the wellness hormone.
Schedule your Shirodhara Session..
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Make an appointment now for an in depth consultation and personal plan to restore you to vibrant health and happiness. Give the gift of peace and health to yourself..
Ayurveda Health & Happiness is here to help you find and maintain health, prevent and remove disease. Consultations, treatments, counselling and dietary advice based on the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda are offered. It is pro-active in disease prevention as well as being highly effective in restoring health.
Whether you wish to unwind, relieve stress, or address health concerns you can do it all in a warm, safe, and comfortable place. You will leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and well on your way to achieving your foundation for better health, wellness, and body maintenance. 
Ayurveda often emphasizes healing from the inside out. But the Ayurvedic tradition is also rich with beauty rituals and other self-nurturing practices that focus more on the exterior of the body..
Therapeutic oiling of the scalp and head has long been used in Ayurveda to encourage hair growth and to prevent greying. Gently massaging the head stimulates the hair follicles and allows the deeply nourishing herbs and oils to penetrate the scalp, strengthening and thickening the hair at its roots. But as many of us are well aware, the head is also an important access point for a number of subtle energy channels that travel throughout the body. As a result, massaging the scalp and head can also help to relieve tension, soothe the nervous system, awaken the sense organs, and encourage sound sleep. What’s more, oiling the hair is a very natural way to nourish, moisturize, and strengthen the hair without having to worry about mysterious product ingredients.


Spiritual Healing and Growth With Shirodhara. 
Is Your Third Eye Blocked? Do you want to increase your psychic or telepathic abilities?
Visualize to Materialize: Activate the Third Eye Chakra 
The third eye is located within the sixth chakra, and is located in the center of the forehead, above the eyebrows. The pineal gland, also known as the third eye, is famous for the secretion of hormones important in the proper functioning of the body, including melatonin.
This chakra, which is also called the third eye is the center for clairvoyance, visions, and transcendence of time and space in thinking.
Blocking the pineal gland leads to slow thyroid, digestive problems, circulation problems, confusion, disorientation, mental disorders, lack of creativity but also lower IQ.
Our ability to self-realize, to develop our psychic abilities and empathic skills, is connected to this chakra. The sixth chakra is also related to our ability–and our willingness–to recognize, acknowledge, and then let go of emotional baggage. On a physical level, sixth chakra blockages may appear as flu-like symptoms, such as fever, swollen glands, and infections.
In Ayurvedic there is a practice called shirodhara, which is the use of warm oil being drizzled on the forehead to stimulate the opening and unblocking of the third eye.
It gradually runs out, over the forehead and into the scalp, sometimes for as long as 30-45 minutes. During this period, your body and mind become relaxed, and you may even fall asleep, instill a deep sense of inner peace, clarity and carry a very high vibration that makes them ideal for healing. 
A proper functioning of the pineal gland brings hormonal balance in terms of your body, help you have a restful sleep, play your creativity and generally gives you a good feeling and support experiences spiritual nature.
1. It is one of the most effective methods for reducing stress and nervous tension
2. It enhances blood circulation to the brain & improves the memory
3. It has been used in treatment of eye diseases, sinusitis, memory loss, insomnia, tinnitus, vertigo and psoriasis
4. It nourishes the hair and scalp, slows hair greying, supports hair growth.
I will select an oil for you based upon a number of factors, including which dosha type your body falls into.
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
More and more ancient healing-techniques will be used to help and assist people in different situations where the health or the inner balance is harmed. The main view and perception of such techniques or methods are the Self or Soul needs to be healed and balanced first, then the Body will be well too.
Take a break in your stressful day with this ancient Ayurvedic Healing practice popularly known as the third eye treatment. It will act like a balm on the constantly buzzing mind and bring a sense of clarity to your thoughts 
Take control of your thoughts, actions and on your life. Get the state of indifference and do something for you. Shirodhara will help you discover yourself, to accept yourself, to love yourself and evolve.
It is the most divine treatment there is and nothing rivals it in terms of its effects besides an established mediation practice.
Various approaches are known, or discovered and remembered, which express different views about Soul-Body Relation, i.e., the Vedic view express the chakras as energy points, and other methods use the power of breath (pranayama).
Healing The Body & Soul With Ayurveda